Invoke browser do you want to leave message

I have the following code which is checking to see if the user has entered anything into any of the fields, and if there any information in any field then it asks do you want to leave, but its not working

    //If form is not empty, ask do you want to leave
    window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
    function confirmExit() {
        var a = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["Name"].value;
        var b = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["FromEmailAddress"].value;
        var c = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["TelephoneNumber"].value;
        var d = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["Message"].value;
        if (a != "" || b != "" || c != "" || d != "") {
            return true;

<form action="#contact" language="en" method="post" name="enquiryForm" novalidate="novalidate">                    
<input data-val="true" data-val-required="The Name field is required." id="Name" name="Name" type="text" value="" />
<input data-val="true" data-val-required="The FromEmailAddress field is required." id="FromEmailAddress" name="FromEmailAddress" type="email" value="" />
<input data-val="true" data-val-required="The TelephoneNumber field is required." id="TelephoneNumber" name="TelephoneNumber" type="tel" value="" />
<textarea cols="20" data-val="true" data-val-required="The Message field is required." id="Message" name="Message" rows="2">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

I’m thinking a neater way would be rather than having to list the input fields, is it possible to just check if any input or textfield is not empty

Changed the if or statement to below and still doesn’t work, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong

if ([a != ""] || [b != ""] || [c != ""] || [d != ""]) {

It works for me.

Hi Paul,

Yours is at least bringing up the message, but what yours is also doing is bringing up the message if all the form fields are empty, what I was going to do was check if they have entered anything in any of the fields and then invoke the message, if its empty don’t worry just allow them to leave.

But when I check in my browser, I don’t get any message in any situation

I’m building this is in Visual Studio, and building the site in ASP.Net using the MVC framework and testing it locally, but I think this shouldn’t impact on the script not running.

Your textarea wasn’t empty, and contained spaces, which is why it was already triggering.

This one doesn’t trigger unless you have entered anything.

Ah sorry Paul, didn’t see that, and yes it works perfectly in JSFiddle, cheers.
Just not for me on the page, very frustrating this as usual.

Have you made sure that there’s nothing in the textarea?

I’ll go check, but then again if there something in there it should then activate the message, its if they all empty that I shouldn’t get the message.

I’m testing it by entering my name in the name field, clicking the logo to leave the page, but not getting the do you want to leave question.

If there’s a scripting syntax error then that will prevent the script from running at all. Check your browser console to find out if it reports any errors there.

There one error there but it relates to youtube, all the other scripts are working fine and there a few there.

Loading failed for the with source “”.

To help with troubleshooting, you can also log the length of those form field variables.

console.log(a.length, b.length, c.length, d.length);

LOL Paul, your going to shoot me, I was missing a closing curly bracket.

I’m used to working in Dreamweaver and it would have picked this up, it doesnt in Visual Studio, but that has solved it. Much appreciate your help as always

Here we go if anyone needs the final solution (with closing curly bracket)

        //If form is not empty, ask do you want to leave
        window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
        function confirmExit(evt) {
            var a = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["Name"].value;
            var b = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["FromEmailAddress"].value;
            var c = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["TelephoneNumber"].value;
            var d = document.forms["enquiryForm"]["Message"].value;
            if (a != "" || b != "" || c != "" || d != "") {
                return true;
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