I thought I would share this with you all as it poses some interesting numbers for those of us working on cross platform/mobile/responsive sites…
It would have been nice to see something a little wider that US only, and a more detailed breakdown of browser versions, but interesting for all that.
That is always a problem
That article is completely biased! To this day I can think of several government websites that specifically want you to use Internet Explorer when using their site. I also know their biggest visitor is corporations which many still have Internet Explorer as their default browser (as it is the one that is best supported in their day to day operations).
I don’t trust a single stat on that article (sorry for being blunt). And what is with the (est) next to Chrome and Safari? Their custom google analytics couldn’t differentiate it well enough? sigh
Sigh, it just keeps getting worse each time I go back and read it again
So if we are making an assumption there, where else are we making assumptions? Now I have even less confidence in this data.
Sorry! It looked interesting to me, but I was reading it at 23:00
I can understand why there might be some concern over the data source. I do wonder why ZDNET would be buying into that though.
I have to agree with @cpradio here. Ignoring the stats themselves, the article doesn’t even seem confident in their findings. Browser statistics are notoriously unreliable and differ from source to source. Factoring that in, I can only take this with a grain of salt.
Easy, because it involves the US Government and the transparency of the data they are providing. I don’t want to make it sound like I’m anti-government, I’m not. I appreciate what they do and attempt to do each year. I also will be the first to tell you that I don’t follow politics. It is just too stressful and not worth my time.
With that said, I do feel Ed Bott attempted to make due with the data that was available. However, the way it was articulated and presented leave a lot of doubts into its reliability (actually I should have wrote it that way initially, I just hadn’t had my caffeine yet). There are a lot of faults with how the data was presented and potentially the sites it was collected on that lead to the outcomes that were stated.
Of course you can have Google Analytics on your own sites to see stats more relevant to you. It can vary from site to site, depending on audience. There are just 3 sites I have access to analytics for. One that I run, one belonging to a friend and one for the company I work for the first two the top 4 browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. Chrome taking over Firefox compared to earlier stats.
For the other one the order is Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox. Earlier stats for this had IE at the top.
I put this down to visitors using their own computers for the first two (given the nature of the sites) and visitors using office computers for the third, as clients are mostly local authorities (UK). In many offices people are not allowed to install any software they like on their work stations, so only have IE as browser at work.
Those who have a choice, don’t use IE, and who can blame them.
To me it looks like Chrome is on the rise.
But this is just 3 sites out of millions, not the big picture.
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