Hi - I don’t know whether this belongs in wordpress or php forums? I started a thread here:
and here:
I’m trying to use the plugin Ajax Testimonials in a non-wordpress page “1mst.php” one folder down from root (“greensmoothie.com/1cde/1mstphp”). See https://wordpress.org/plugins/ivycat-ajax-testimonials/
In 1mst.php it accepts this inside the <head>
<?php require('../wp-blog-header.php');?>
but not this:
<?php require('http://greensmoothie.com/wp-blog-header.php');?>
even though wp-blog-header IS in that root folder on the server. When I give that absolute address, it throws up this error msg:
Warning: require(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 in C:\wamp\www\1gn\1cde\1mst.php on line 16
Warning: require(http://greensmoothie.com/wp-blog-header.php): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in C:\wamp\www\1gn\1cde\1mst.php on line 16
So long as I have this inside <head>
<?php require('../wp-blog-header.php');?>
then this code from Ajax inside <body>
<?php echo do_shortcode("[ic_do_testimonials quantity='3' speed='6000' fade_in='600' fade_out='700' group='writing']"); ?>
will display just the first testimonial, when it’s supposed to rotate through all 3.
I’ve tried this:
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
[ic_do_testimonials quantity='30' speed='6000' fade_in='600' fade_out='700' group='writing']
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
but that fails to display anything. So I tried this:
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode("[ic_do_testimonials quantity='3' speed='6000' fade_in='600' fade_out='700' group='writing']"); ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
and it also displays a blank.
Do you perhaps have any idea how I can use a wordpress plugin on a non-wordpress page? This page makes it sound so simple:
thank you! - Val