Inserting array values in PDO

I’m using php pdo in sqlsrv. I’m having trouble inserting my array and other values.
Here is my code.

$attributes =  $this->sanitized_attributes();
	        $sql = ":";
		$sql .= join(" , :", array_values(self::$db_fields));
		$st = $this->db->prepare("USE guidance EXEC guidance.stud_precord_insert {$sql} ");
		foreach($attributes as $key => &$value) {
		 $k =  ':'.$key;
		if ($value === '')
		     $val = 'NULL';
		     $par =  PDO::PARAM_NULL;
		     echo "bindValue($k, $val,$par)<br/>";
		      $st->bindValue($k, $val,$par);
			foreach($value as $v)
			     if ($v === '')
				  $v = 'NULL';
				 $par =  PDO::PARAM_NULL;
				    echo "bindValue($k, $v,$par)<br/>";
				       $st->bindValue($k, $v,$par);
				    $par =PDO::PARAM_STR;
				 echo "bindValue($k, $v,$par)<br/>";
				    $st->bindValue($k, $v,$par);
			 $l = implode(', ', $value);
			       echo "bindValue($k, $l,$par)<br/>";
		$val = $value;
		$par =PDO::PARAM_STR;
		echo "bindValue($k, $val,$par)<br/>";
		 $st->bindValue($k, $val,$par);
		 $c =    $st->execute();

It works well except that only one value of my array inserted successfully.
Any help will do. Thank you in advance.

perhaps this could help. Thank you in advance.

Why are you trying to insert an array into Database in the very first place? In most cases array or delimited string in a database column signifies that the database structure is poorly designed, unless you have a very good reason.

I’m hoping to insert those data in my columns. Not supposed to be delimited strings. Thank you , thank you for the response.

Oh I see, you are sending an array of data into database row, not in a column. Sorry about that, I did not read carefully and thought you were trying to send a serialized array or delimited string/array to one database column.

Any idea about it?

What does $st->debugDumpParams(); (run after the execute) tell you?

Thank you for your response. The attached file displays the number of parameters.
And when I tried to use var_dump(), its null.

Am I getting a positive result here?

So what I see here is that it’s bound the names correctly… And I can tell you a problem you have is your value of $k for array values of the attributes array.

Your array walking doesnt change the value of $k so if you hand this code an array inside the attributes array, it will try and bind every value of the array to the same key.

What’re the contents of $attributes?

This is pretty very long code. I’ve been using this as a template.


              protected static $table_name = 'guidance.tbl_stud_precord';
            protected static $db_fields = array('stud_id_string',
								    //working student
								    //married student
								    //student offspring
             public $stud_id_string;
             public $stud_nationality;
             public $stud_religion;
             public $stud_birthday;
	      public $stud_birthplace;
             public $stud_sibling_rank;
             public $stud_home_add;
             public $stud_provincial_add;
             public $stud_residence_no;
             public $stud_mobile_no;
             public $stud_married;
             public $stud_working;
             public $stud_offspring;
	       //working student
	       public $stud_occ;
	       public $stud_occ_started;
	       public $stud_occ_employer;
	       public $stud_occ_contact;
	       public $stud_occ_add;
	         //married student
		 public $stud_partner_name;
		 public $stud_partner_birthday;
		 public $stud_partner_birthplace;
		 public $stud_partner_nationality;
		 public $stud_partner_religion;
		 public $stud_partner_siblingrank;
		 public $stud_partner_occ;
		 public $stud_partner_emp_add;
		 //student offspring
		  public $stud_offspring_name;
		  public $stud_offspring_birthday;
		  public $stud_offspring_gender;
		  public $stud_offspring_school;
		  public $stud_offspring_school_level;

    private static function instantiate($attributes)
        // Could check that $record exists and is an array
        $object = new self;
        // Simple, long-form approach:
        // $object->id 				= $record['id'];
        // $object->username 	= $record['username'];
        // $object->password 	= $record['password'];
        // $object->first_name = $record['first_name'];
        // $object->last_name 	= $record['last_name'];
        // More dynamic, short-form approach:
        foreach ($record as $attribute => $value) {
            if ($object->has_attribute($attribute))
                $object->$attribute = $value;
        return $object;
      private function has_attribute($attribute)
        // We don't care about the value, we just want to know if the key exists
        // Will return true or false
        return array_key_exists($attribute, $this->attributes());
 protected function attributes()
        // return an array of attribute names and their values
        $attributes = array();
        foreach (self::$db_fields as $field) {
            if (property_exists($this, $field)) {
                $attributes[$field] = $this->$field;
        return $attributes;
   protected function sanitized_attributes() {
	  global $database;
	  $clean_attributes = array();
	  // sanitize the values before submitting
	  // Note: does not alter the actual value of each attribute
	  foreach($this->attributes() as $key => $value){
	    $clean_attributes[$key] = $this->clean($value);
	  return $clean_attributes;
	function clean($var) {
    if(is_array($var)) {
    } else {
        $var = htmlentities(strip_tags($var),ENT_QUOTES);
    return $var;
      public function create() {
		// Don't forget your SQL syntax and good habits:
		// - UPDATE table SET key='value', key='value' WHERE condition
		// - single-quotes around all values
		// - escape all values to prevent SQL injection
		$attributes =  $this->sanitized_attributes();
	        $sql = ":";
		$sql .= join(" , :", array_values(self::$db_fields));
		$st = $this->db->prepare("USE guidance EXEC guidance.stud_precord_insert {$sql} ");
		foreach($attributes as $key => &$value) {
		 $k =  ':'.$key;
		if ($value === '')
		     $val = 'NULL';
		     $par =  PDO::PARAM_NULL;
		     echo "bindValue($k, $val,$par)<br/>";
		      $st->bindValue($k, $val,$par);
			foreach($value as $v)
			     if ($v === '')
				  $v = 'NULL';
				 $par =  PDO::PARAM_NULL;
				    echo "bindValue($k, $v,$par)<br/>";
				       $st->bindValue($k, $v,$par);
				    $par =PDO::PARAM_STR;
				 echo "bindValue($k, $v,$par)<br/>";
				    $st->bindValue($k, $v,$par);
			        //$c =    $st->execute();
		$val = $value;
		$par =PDO::PARAM_STR;
		echo "bindValue($k, $val,$par)<br/>";
		 $st->bindValue($k, $val,$par);
		 $c =    $st->execute();
		 $rc =    $st->rowCount();
		 $e = $st->errorCode() ;
		 $arr = $st->errorInfo() ;
		 //echo $c.'<br/>';
		 echo $rc.'<br/>';
		 echo $e;


var_dump or print_r $attributes somewhere in your code after this line:

$attributes =  $this->sanitized_attributes(); 

As your initial image doesn’t show something that matches the way this code should execute. (There should only be 1 entry in a row for a given field)

Sir Starlion, thank you for keeping my thread alive. I did what you said.
Below are the values of my attributes.

    [stud_id_string] => 
    [stud_nationality] => test
    [stud_religion] => test
    [stud_bplace] => test
    [stud_sibling_rank] => 12
    [stud_home_add] => test
    [stud_provincial_add] => 
    [stud_residence_no] => 
    [stud_mobile_no] => 
    [stud_married] => 
    [stud_working] => 
    [stud_offspring] => 1
    [stud_occ] => 
    [stud_occ_started] => 
    [stud_occ_employer] => 
    [stud_occ_contact] => 
    [stud_occ_add] => 
    [stud_partner_name] => 
    [stud_partner_birthday] => 
    [stud_partner_birthplace] => 
    [stud_partner_nationality] => 
    [stud_partner_religion] => 
    [stud_partner_siblingrank] => 
    [stud_partner_occ] => 
    [stud_partner_emp_add] => 
    [stud_offspring_name] => Array
            [0] => test2
            [1] => test4

    [stud_offspring_birthday] => Array
            [0] => 2009-02-03
            [1] => 1997-10-17

    [stud_offspring_gender] => Array
            [0] => female
            [1] => male

    [stud_offspring_school] => Array
            [0] => 
            [1] => 

    [stud_offspring_school_level] => Array
            [0] => 
            [1] => 


okay… and how do you name offspring 1 and offspring 2? A database insert cannot take 2 values for the same field in a single entry. Are you trying to insert multiple rows?

Yes and I think that is my problem. Inserting array and non-array values at once.

I can see light in this

I made a flag when a user has offspring. This is how I made it.

 if ($offspring  = 1)
		  $attributes_array =  $this->sanitized_attributes_for_array();
		    $sql2 = ":";
		    $sql2 .= join(" , :", array_values(self::$db_fields_array));
		   $sql3 = ("    DECLARE @lastid int
				      SELECT @lastid = MAX(stud_id)  FROM guidance.tbl_stud_precord
				       IF @lastid IS NOT NULL
				        INSERT INTO guidance.tbl_stud_offspring
					   ( stud_off_name,
					    stud_off_birthday ,
					    stud_off_gender ,
					    stud_off_school_level )	
				       VALUES ( {$sql2} ) " );
			    $st2 = $this->db->prepare($sql3);
			foreach($attributes_array as $key => &$value)
			      $k =  ':'.$key;
			      echo '<pre>';
			      $name = '';
			      $st2 = $this->db->prepare($sql3);
			     $st2->bindParam($k, $name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
			       foreach($value as $name )
					  if ($v === '')
					       $v = 'NULL';
					      $par2 =  PDO::PARAM_NULL;
					      $par2 =PDO::PARAM_STR;


My problem is where can I replace

$st2->bindParam($k, $name,PDO::PARAM_STR);


$st2->bindParam($k, $name,$par2);

Any help.

myfix. Thank you.

$t = count(array_keys($value));
				 $c =    $st2->execute();