.info domain name - should I launch at .info or .org.uk?


I have a .info website that does not rank very well. In fact it has had about 10 (non-spam) hits in about 6 months.

I also have a .net that gets more hits than the .info so it looks like to me that .info are not worth using.

I also have an Exact Match Domain (EMD) that is .info which I want to launch a new website at. But my experience is that .info will not rank. Does anyone have any other experience with .info that suggests otherwise? I will certainly keep the .info domain name…but should I launch a website at the address too? I also have a .org.uk that I could use instead. What are you recommendations?


Unless they have identical content, you can’t really compare them like that and draw the conclusions which you’re drawing.

If they do have identical content, then they’re competing against each other and inevitably one will lose out.

I seriously doubt that domain extension is taken into account in any way for ranking a site. It might have an effect on click-through rate, though. If I want to buy something, I will try domains with a .co.uk extension first, on the basis that they will be UK-based; I don’t want to find the ideal item on a .com domain, only to discover it will cost a fortune to get it shipped here (or they won’t deliver to the UK at all). But perhaps other users are less choosy about which results they click; I don’t know.

Whether or not a .org.uk domain is appropriate would largely depend on the type of site and what it’s for, IMHO, but again, I doubt it would have any effect on ranking.

From what I gather from this, the more important factor is “if best result”

re “seen as duplicate content”, it looks like once again “best result” will win out in the SERPs but usually won’t be seen as SPAM

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