Individualize jQuery cookie function

I have a multiple alert that displays across a website. I want a situation where if any of the is closed, let it stay closed in all the document until the browser is closed. I have succeeded in differentiating the alerts with ID’s but it sill doesn’t work properly. It closes and then shows again when it should remain hidden. I have asked so many questions on this topic but still can’t get it right.

// Alert session cookie starts here 

 $('.alert-box').attr('id', function(i) {
   return 'alert'+(i+1);

	function closBox(){		  
		var closeBox = $('.alert-box:visible').hide();
    // - Notice how we pass a function and get an integer
		$.cookie('Box-closed', true, {path: '/'});
	// - Simply checks the alert box above
		console.log('Closing the alert box automatically...');
		// Close the box on click
	$('.alert-switch').click(function () {


Here is a link to jsFiddle where I have the case

Are you aware with your jsfiddle example, that $.cookie is not a function?
I suspect that you’re going to need an additional plugin for that to work, such as from

The following code is bad:


It should instead be something like this:


Also, when the alert is closed, aren’t you supposed to update the cookie to say that it’s been closed?

That was a typo probably. I just found out that I had the wrong link. @Paul_Wilkins thank you so much for the link you provided. Also getting it to work properly has been a heck of a problem for me. It works now, though not perfect. Trying to make it leaner and faster. Question, how do I update the cookie to say that it is closed? the code now looks as below.

// Mobile Nav Display condition //

var $ = jQuery.noConflict();

// Alert session cookie starts here 

 $('.alert-box').attr('id', function(i) {
   return 'alert'+(i+1);

function closeBox(){	
		var closeBox = $('#alert1').remove();
    // - Notice how we pass a function and get an integer
		$.cookie('Box-closed', true, {path: '/'});
	// - Simply checks the alert box above
		console.log('Closing the alert box automatically...');
		// Close the box on click
	$('#alert1 .alert-switch').click(function () {
    function closeBox2(){		  
		var closeBox2 = $('#alert2').remove();
    // - Notice how we pass a function and get an integer
		$.cookie('Box2-closed', true, {path: '/'});
	// - Simply checks the alert box above
		console.log('Closing the alert box automatically...');
		// Close the box on click
	$('#alert2 .alert-switch').click(function () {
    function closeBox3(){		  
		var closeBox3 = $('#alert3').remove();
    // - Notice how we pass a function and get an integer
		$.cookie('Box3-closed', true, {path: '/'});
	// - Simply checks the alert box above
		console.log('Closing the alert box automatically...');
		// Close the box on click
	$('#alert3 .alert-switch').click(function () {


Sorry the link provided above is wrong. See the correct link below

Correct link

Thank you, that looks to be the same code I was looking at earlier. Please see post #2 for actions that you need to take in regard to that jsfiddle code,

It looks like you are already doing that in the closeBox function from post #3

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