Increased RAM in hosting but speed does not improve

I have tested and increased a RAM from 4 GB to 8 GB. Which settings will define also WP speed as pingdom does not detect any improvement in RAM. I have increased also memory_limit to 4096 MB.

If increased RAM doesn’t help it might just be that 4GB was already enough and you need to look at other vectors, such as increasing CPU, limiting the amount API calls your site makes, caching, using a CDN to cache static assets, stuff like that.


you increased memory_limit TO 4096, or BY 4096? Cause… setting it to 4096 means you told it to throttle at 4GB.

But yeah, more likely your site didnt need more RAM, it needed other things.

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Thank you for the message.

Keep in mind that increasing hardware specs doesn’t always mean gained performance on the web. How fast the server processes the request once it has it and returns a response is only a small piece of web sites.

When on the web, IO can be your bottleneck. DNS could be slow in resolving, trying to transmit a 20MB image across the net is slower than transmitting 20kb etc. Are you serving everything through a single domain? These types of things typically have more of an impact in how a website is being served than the actual hardware.

I would look at your network tab in developer tools. It will tell you about how long each piece of the site is taking to be sent. Do you have a lot of big graphics? Is the time to first byte really slow? Have you thought about putting in a cache on your site? What about going through a CDN? Maybe you can minimize your javascript or CSS. If that looks good, do you have a plugin that might be running slow? Disable your plugins and see if that speeds things up considerably. Then re-enable them one by one until you see the massive slow down.

But start with that network tab and go from there. As others have already said, you probably didn’t need more RAM. :slight_smile:


After increasing the RAM to 8 GB, if you haven’t seen significant speed improvements in your WordPress website, consider implementing these optimizations:

  1. Use a caching plugin.
  2. Implement a content delivery network (CDN).
  3. Optimize and compress images.
  4. Minify and combine CSS and JavaScript files.
  5. Optimize your WordPress database.
  6. Enable Gzip compression.
  7. Choose a lightweight theme and keep plugins and themes up to date.
  8. Consider server-side caching mechanisms.

Regularly analyze your website’s performance and make necessary adjustments for optimal speed.