Hello, i have a include file with ending .inc in this file i have characters like 中简 but they are showing as ?? in my website, i know it must have to do with the file format, but as which file format must i save this .inc file that he show me the correct letters from japan or china language?
I think it may have to do with the character encoding you are using when you save the file. I believe it should be UTF-8. Check the file in your IDE or text editor to find out which character encoding it is using.
Encoding can be tricky because all the steps of the process from encoding to decoding must use the same encoding format. The best encoding is UTF-8 as mentioned. But you also will have to make sure that your include file has been encoded in UTF-8.
Then on top of your HTML page (right in the header) you will put:
<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html; charset=utf-8”>
Try this
I’ve never done, so I can’t speak from experience, but,…
You will probably have to identify a font/s that contains the glyphs desired and serve that font or a limited version of the font with the desired glyphs to your users to assure that they get it. Otherwise there is no guarantee that a user will have access to that glyph even if you use the correct UTF-8 code.
saving the include file as UTF 8 have slove the problems, thanks to all.
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