Importance of Microdata and rich snippets in HTML5

Hello all,

I am busy with optimizing my website with SEO content and everywhere possible adding tags, titles and name attributes.
When I go to my Google Webtools there is a section about 'Rich Snippets" which should be added to your content by using microdata which HTML5 is using to index web pages in a more understandable way for Bing, Yahoo, Google etc. and build stronger links (please correct me if I am wrong)

I’ve setup the first articles with snippets and I would looove to know if this any sence in the snippet tree which should be used based on the schematics from

So basically I want to know is it worth all the extra work and in the example below, did I implement this correctly?
Your ideas and insight are very appreciated.
Cheers and have a good one :slight_smile:

<div itemscope itemtype="" style="margin: 0 0 25px 0;">
<div class="frontpage-features"><a itemprop="url" href="/index.php/services/web-design">
<img itemprop="image" class="align-left" src="images/icons/black-bike-media-web-design-icon.png" border="none" alt="Web design and front-end development" title="Web design and front-end development" width="110" height="110" style="border: none !important;" /></a>
<div class="bfc-o">
<h1 itemprop="category" title="Web design and front-end development">Web Design</h1>
<p itemprop="description" class="remove-margin">As front-end developer I design interactive websites that are responsive on desktops, phones and tablets</p></div></div>

You can see the full page here (the section with icons)

…Nobody familiair with importance in rich snippets what Google, Bing and Yahoo are using to see the value of your website?
There are tons of info sites but I like to hear how people value this!