Import error

Good morning,

I’m trying to import a db and I’m getting this error message.

Can you help me?

I assume you’re using mysql, as this appears to be phpMyAdmin.

If you’re using mysql >= 8.0.13 (SELECT VERSION()), you can specify a default value for the date as


before that, a DATE column cannot have a default value. (A TIMESTAMP column can, but a DATE cannot)

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Thank you, how to change the date value because it is a .sql file? which I have from an online tutorial

an SQL file is just a plaintext file. Open it in notepad and edit it.

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please use CURRENT_DATE instead!!

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Is there a mechanical difference, or is it just to alleviate the DB doing a truncation? (Not to say that that isnt a valid reason to use it, mind, just curious)

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clarity of intent

to OP: i would also use a better column name than `date`

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