Okay, this is going to take a bit to explain, but your issue is a mis-match between your index of one array, to the index of your other arrays.
In your code, you are looping through this array
array(5) {
[0]=> string(5) "BandB"
[1]=> string(8) "1 Star Hotel"
[2]=> string(10) "2 Star Hotel"
[3]=> string(11) "3 Star Hotel"
[4]=> string(23) "5 Star Hotel" }
You are placing the index (0-4) into $key_item and the value into $val_item.
Then you are taking the $key_item and using it as the index to $item_values, $item_values2, and $item_values3 (shown below).
if (!empty($item_values[$key_item])) $low = $item_values[$key_item]; // HERE
if (empty($low)) $low = '0.00';
if (!empty($item_values1[$key_item])) $mid = $item_values1[$key_item]; // HERE
if (empty($mid)) $mid = '0.00';
if (!empty($item_values2[$key_item])) $high = $item_values2[$key_item]; // AND HERE
if (empty($high)) $high = '0.00';
So you are taking index 3, which is 3 Star Hotel and using index 3 of $item_values, $item_values2, and $item_values3 which is 0.00, 0.00, and 0.00 respectively.
There lies your problem. You can’t do that, because that isn’t the correct index for those arrays. To find the correct index, you need to match the $val_item to the value index in $sql_items
array(7) {
[0]=> array(3) {
["field"]=> string(11) "item_types"
["id"]=> string(1) "0"
["value"]=> string(5) "BandB" }
[1]=> array(3) {
["field"]=> string(11) "item_types"
["id"]=> string(1) "1"
["value"]=> string(8) "1 Star Hotel" }
[2]=> array(3) {
["field"]=> string(11) "item_types"
["id"]=> string(1) "2"
["value"]=> string(10) "2 Star Hotel" }
[3]=> array(3) {
["field"]=> string(11) "item_types"
["id"]=> string(1) "3"
["value"]=> string(19) "4 Star Hotel" }
[4]=> array(3) {
["field"]=> string(11) "item_types"
["id"]=> string(1) "4"
["value"]=> string(11) "3 Star Hotel" }
[5]=> array(3) {
["field"]=> string(11) "item_types"
["id"]=> string(1) "5"
["value"]=> string(23) "5 Star Hotel" }
[6]=> array(3) {
["field"]=> string(11) "item_types"
["id"]=> string(1) "6"
["value"]=> string(19) "Self Catering" } }
As you can see the correct index for $item_values, $item_value2, and $item_values3 for 3 Star Hotel is 4. And if you look in those arrays, the value for index 4 is 290.00, 0.00, and 450.00 respectively.
So you need to look up the correct key.
$correctKey = findKey($val_item, $sql_items);
function findKey($value, $items)
foreach ($items as $item)
if ($item['value'] == $value)
return $item['id'];
return null;
There may be a better way to write that statement, but I’ll leave that for others to take as a challenge.
Now to implement that into your code:
function findKey($value, $items)
foreach ($items as $item)
if ($item['value'] == $value)
return $item['id'];
return null;
$this->vars['title'] = $this->currentItem['name'];
$item_values = explode(',', $this->currentItem['item_values']);
foreach($item_values as $key => $val) {
if (empty($val)) $item_values[$key] = 0;
$item_values[$key] = number_format($val, 2);
$item_values1 = explode(',', $this->currentItem['item_values1']);
foreach($item_values1 as $key => $val) {
if (empty($val)) $item_values1[$key] = 0;
$item_values1[$key] = number_format($val, 2);
$item_values2 = explode(',', $this->currentItem['item_values2']);
foreach($item_values2 as $key => $val) {
if (empty($val)) $item_values2[$key] = 0;
$item_values2[$key] = number_format($val, 2);
$item_currencies = explode(',', $this->currentItem['item_currencies']);
foreach($item_currencies as $key => $val) {
if ($val == 1) $item_currencies[$key] = '£';
else $item_currencies[$key] = '€';
// items lists
$arr = array('item_types', 'facilities', 'nearby_facilities');
foreach($arr as $key => $val) {
$sql_items = $this->db->QFetchRowArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->tables['fields']} WHERE (field='{$val}') ORDER BY id ASC;");
if ($val == 'nearby_facilities') $miles = explode(',', $this->currentItem['nearby_miles']);
$arr_items = array();
foreach(explode(',', $this->currentItem[$val]) as $key_item => $val_item) {
if (!empty($val_item) && !empty($sql_items[$key_item]['value'])) {
if ($val == 'nearby_facilities') if ($miles[$key_item] == 1) array_push($arr_items, $sql_items[$key_item]['value'] . ' - ' . $miles[$key_item] . ' Mile');
else array_push($arr_items, $sql_items[$key_item]['value'] . ' - ' . $miles[$key_item] . ' Miles');
else array_push($arr_items, $sql_items[$key_item]['value']);
if ($val == 'nearby_facilities') $this->currentItem[$val] = implode('<br />', $arr_items);
else if ($val == 'facilities') {
foreach($arr_items as $key_item => $val_item) {
$val_item_img = str_replace("'", '', $val_item);
$val_item_img = str_replace(chr(146), '', $val_item_img);
$image = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $val_item_img)) . '.gif';
$arr_items[$key_item] = "<div class='list_facilities_img'><img src='_layouts/images/facilities/{$image}' alt='$val_item' /> $val_item</div>";
$this->currentItem[$val] = implode('', $arr_items);
} else {
foreach($arr_items as $key_item => $val_item) {
$val_item_img = str_replace("'", '', $val_item);
$val_item_img = str_replace(chr(146), '', $val_item_img);
$image = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $val_item_img)) . '.gif';
$correctKey = findKey($val_item, $sql_items);
if (!empty($item_values[$correctKey])) $low = $item_values[$correctKey];
if (empty($low)) $low = '0.00';
if (!empty($item_values1[$correctKey])) $mid = $item_values1[$correctKey];
if (empty($mid)) $mid = '0.00';
if (!empty($item_values2[$correctKey])) $high = $item_values2[$correctKey];
if (empty($high)) $high = '0.00';
if ($low > 0) $low_text = "Low: {$item_currencies[$key_item]}{$low}<br />";
else $low_text = '';
if ($mid > 0) $mid_text = "Mid: {$item_currencies[$key_item]}{$mid}<br />";
else $mid_text = '';
if ($high > 0) $high_text = "High: {$item_currencies[$key_item]}{$high}";
else $high_text = '';
$arr_items[$key_item] = "<div class='list_items_img'><img src='_layouts/images/items/{$image}' alt='$val_item' /><br />$val_item<br />{$low_text}{$mid_text}{$high_text}</div>";}
$this->currentItem[$val] = implode('', $arr_items);
You may need to make similar changes to $item_currencies so that it uses $correctKey instead of $key_item.