Image slide and showing full image in 3 columns

I have a web page at

The page has 3 columns, i.e. the left column, the right column, and the center column.

Both side columns have fixed width, i.e. 200px, but the width of the center column is dynamic.

The image, a super girl, is full in the center column.

So far, the page is good.

Now I like to make 2 images with slide functions.
So I made a page at
But the page, slide_widthOnly.php, doen’t show the supergirl’s long boots on the buttom.
The boots on the buttom which is shown at is cut at

So I made a new page at
the page show the supergirl’s long boots but she is not tall and fat.

The girl at is tall and slim.

I tried a new page at
But I failed in making a page which can not only show the girl tall and slim but also make it sliding.

The reason the feet are cut off is due to the #slider div having a fixed height and overflow: hidden.
Also the layout seems to rely on a lot of “magic numbers”. There are better, more robust ways to create a 3 column layout. CSS tables may work for you.

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