I’ve been reviewing some layout problems on a current project, but have been vexed by a couple of image float issues that only seem to appear in IE 6/7. Perhaps someone will note the fix right off.
There are two cases.
Example One: Image floated without a <div> wrapper.
In this case the flower image is floated right without using a <div> wrapper. The .alignright class is applied to <img>. Text wraps left in most browsers, however in IE6/7 the first paragraph of text (“Here at MangoMoon…”) begins under the image.
Example Two: Image and caption floated with a <div> wrapper.
The car image is floated right using the <div> which wraps the images and its caption. The .alignright class is applied to the <div>. Text wraps the image and caption correctly in most browsers, however in IE6/7, the first paragraph begins under the image <div>.
Both issues have the feeling of something obvious that is escaping me at the moment.
Any thoughts are appreciated.