Image does not respond with narrowing screen


I thought I had solved the problem on this page
but when I naroow the screen the image in the middle of text suddenly occupies the whole width

Could you help, please?

Thank you

It’s definitely responding on IE11, but your CSS is showing it set to 100% with a max-width of 400px - in respect of what I’m seeing, it seems to be doing exactly what I’d expect it to.

But how do I keep the image to maintain the same ratio comparing with the width of the central column?

I guess I have to play with the media queries…

Can you do a max-width with a percentage value rather than the pixel width along with a media query?

I believe this is what qim is looking for:

.img-container {
    padding: 0 22px 0 40px;

No media query required.

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Hi ronpat


I will test it as it might upset the other nearly 100 pages with this stylesheet. I introduced the .text img {} to apply just to this type of situation

Hi ronpat

Brilliant! Thanks!

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