I'm an SEO beginner. Can you help me?

I have managed to build quite a few websites and I would now like to focus on the SEO aspect for these websites.

Any web masters here with tips or info they can provide me with? I don’t even know where to start tbh!

Are there any books or video tutorials I can read or go through? I have looked up the site point SEO book but it is from 2010. I’m not sure if I can trust something from 4 years ago.

I would recommend that you download Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide. As it’s Google’s own publication, you can trust the information there, and it will give you a good grounding in the areas you need to consider.

Focus on quality content and you will get decent traffic. Internal SEO works better than external SEO these days. Also focus on social signals…getting Facebook likes, Google+ shares, tweets, links from pinterest are important. Also produce videos on YouTube. If you do a search on google for any keywords right now you will see that Pinterest and Youtube Videos (which belongs to google) come first on the search engine.

There are lot of Tutorial on Internet You can read. Focus on On Page By unique Title and Description . Off page make High PR Quality Backlink. Submit Original Content that have some value for Reader

After read Google Start Up guidelines, follow Matt Cutt blog, he is Google Spam Head and in his blog he told various terminology in terms of Online Marketing or Branding.

Yes, read the Google doc to have a cursory knowledge of it. There is nothing that dictates that you have to follow it 100%. Ignore Matt Cutts, he is worthless in my opinion.

Just work on your content by keeping it unique and natural as well as building out MANY links to your site over time.


go through this link it will help you to start SEO, https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091128070112AAxwRXD

Bear in mind that that link is 5 years old, and things have moved on in that time. Much of the advice may still be relevant, but I would stick with more recent sources, like the Google guide already mentioned, to avoid being led down the wrong path.

Subscribe to Youtube.com google webmaster channel. Great place to start and continue learning from. I have used them extensively to get up to speed. Below is the link.

As you are a SEO beginner so keep in mind do not spam any site and make less links if possible!!! You want to build a loyal following to your site, so don’t go crazy with this. Instead, what I mean is, if you want to rank for your keyword, you must use it. Avoid creating nicknames or trying to be clever. In the end, clear and concise wins. As a rule of thumb, try to include your keyphrase early on in your article or in a H2 tag. While this may have little impact on your rankings in google, it will help show your readers that they’re reading the right piece of content!!! Here are best SEO strategies which you can follow that will definitely help you!!!

First of all you need to choose the correct keywords for your site .Do the keyword research using the google ad-words.
Then go on with on-page optimization
URL structure,H1 tagsH2 tags usage,Meta Keyword,meta description,content optimization,image optimization , etc
followed by off-page optimization
Social bookmarking,Directory submission, Rss submission, Search engine submission, article submission,etc
Use this link you may get some questions get clarified

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