I'm an artist and "creative coder" and I think I'm ready to get serious with JS

So I mention that I’m an artist in the hopes that it explains my funky knowledge of JS. I’ve honestly avoided diving deep into it when compared to other languages that seem more sensible. For example C is fantastic. However that requires some explanation-- I specialize in audio engineering and digital audio. C is the preferred language for programming audio (http://csound.github.io).

Anyway, now that JS has the web audio api and three.js looks fantastic, I need to get serious about JS and I’m asking for suggestions on what to read in order to fill the gaps in my knowledge.

I’ve read through most of “JS: The Good Parts” and I use it as reference. I understand a lot about OOP in JS and prototypes. I understand a little about some Javascript Patterns.

So I don’t know enough about error handling. It’s possible that my Patterns book will cover more of this. My goal is doing something along the lines of develop web audio libraries. So I want to develop I won’t be too embarrassed to share.

Suggestions on what I should learn/read?

You might find this article useful: http://www.sitepoint.com/proper-error-handling-javascript/

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I suggest that you take some JavaScript code that you’re written, and throw it at the jslint.com linter.

it can be a difficult experience, but what you’ll learn from the process will definately help to make you a better coder.

There’s also an excellent book called The Clean Coder. It’s written by Robert C Martin (Uncle Bob) and though he focuses on Java instead of JavaScript, the lessons you learn do cross over amazingly well.


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