IE10 throwing sidebar below the rest of the page?

Hello everyone!

I am so beyond frustrated with IE10…as it seems I always am at some point.
My Wordpress site looks perfect in every single browser, including IE11. In IE10, it takes my sidebar and puts it down below my footer.

My site

So here’s a disclaimer: it’s not technically a “sidebar”. The logo and hours are contained inside the footer.php of the wordpress site, and I’m using a floating div to put it up beside the main content. This works fine in all other browsers and the latest version of IE. It’s just IE10 that is not liking it at all. Does anyone have any ideas??

Thanks in advance, I have went over it 100,000 times with no luck!!


Goodness, nevermind!!
Apparently IE10 throws unnecessary borders around all links that are images. They made everything bigger and pushed my sidebar down. I just set them to 0.

So, disregard!


I always add this rule to my reset :slight_smile:

a img{border:none}

I don’t have IE 10 as they only on window 8 but as per on IE 9 it is perfect.

Rest you specific condtion for IE and add the no border css to it for browser compatibility

That rule will be added to my template immediately!!

I didn’t look at it on IE9, but it should all be fixed now. Can’t believe it took me so long to figure that one out!

Thanks guys!