IE problems

I’m having a little problem on the site I developed
and I wonder if anyone can help me.

In Chrome and Firefox everything works fine, as always, but it only works in IE8 in previous versions of IE it gets messy

This is the site


it’s not a new problem. men try not to use tables in layout, just use them when there have to be a table for data.

i think the <td> is giving the problem.

if not, here are some of the CSS tips to avoid IE problems,

using floats,
declaring width and height,
display block,
display inline-block,
clearing floats,
that’s all that I can recall.

The last option here is to use IE hack (I don’t use it)

Which <td> ?

I use the table because I do not know how to make a div have three columns, for example
I’m starting now

what you can do for the ‘three columns’ is to have three different divs and spec on each of them float:left;

that will place them all next to each other. But, you’ll need to specify the width on each and after the last (furthest right) div, use this:
<div style=“clear:both;”></div>

Look up float layouts.