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The imported stuff is mostly just style text, and stuff with the forums page, I don’t think it’s got anything to do with the problems happening.

In IE7 the main menu, the background images do not show, you just see a background color. In IE6… it looks like an earthquake hit. I’ll update with pictures soon incase you don’t have a way to see.
Thanks for looking, hope I can figure this out soon or I’m going to have to just redo the layout. Don’t have the time to play with it forever.


IE5 (looks similar to 6)

Hi, most of that is just IE6 increasing the height of an element to fit the children.


That will fix the header space and then the space under the horizontal nav.

The greyish boxes are the PNGs because IE6 and down don’t have support for transparency in PNGs so you need to impliment a png fix.

I notice when I load the page on my IE6t I get a JS error for the file, I don’t know if that happens for you too, though I’d use this twinhelix fix :slight_smile:

Okay, I applied the fix you provided and a png fix. Png fix didn’t do anything for IE6 (from the notes on the site, it said it was suppose to work for 5.5+). Seems like 5 & 6 are still a little screwy. Here is a shot of 6, 5 looks the same.

This is with the updated nav from the other topic.
If you look near the top (sorry I cut the top off for the most part) you can see stuff is shifted over to the left. Should be further to the right.

Point out the specific problems instead of just saying somethings “screwy” :slight_smile:

I marked what is messed up, that and the png fix doesn’t fix it for this version, but again I don’t know if it 100% is suppose to?

Yes it is, assuming you did it correctly and you catered for every element that has the PNG on it :slight_smile:

As for the Read more issue (background image too high up). You place the image on “#home_content1” and that is a far away parent, so basically you are guessing and hoping with all your might it will be pixel perfect in all browsers. Not the case.

Your best bet would be to slice that top of the paper out of the image, and then place that on the <p> surrounding the Read More link (give some top padding to space it out)

As for the vertical strip, (untested) but you are running into IE6’s double float mrgin bug. Add in display:inline; for “#home_1” and “#home_2”. I don’t know if that will completelky fix the issue (or even help).

The top right box with the gray…what’s wrong with that?

And give me a minute on the flames issue :slight_smile:

Vertical strip-once again you’re placing a background image on a far parent (#container) and your hoping to get it perfectly aligned. You have to realize that not every browser will render perfec.t You’d need a conditional comment to feed IE6/7 :slight_smile:

You’d probably need one for every wrong thing in that page you showed. Nothings “broken” per say, it’s just not perfectly aligned :slight_smile:

You have to ask yourself, is it worth messing with it to get it perfectly aligned? If the answer is no, just leave it.

If yes, buckle down and write conditional comments :slight_smile:

Okay, I’ll look in to the PNG issue a little more later, it’s fine for now though.

Now that you explained what the read more section is actually doing, it makes sense. I changed some of my php coding to shorten it up, the read me was located lower due to something I hadn’t gone and updated yet. Now that I fixed it, the problem is gone.

The vertical strip didn’t budge with making the display inline.

The top right section, seems the alignment is off by like 1px. I noticed this is actually in ALL versions of IE.

The top bit in the flames and the vertical bar is worth having perfect, but I’m not sure what would fix the issue is the only problem. I don’t have anything against a couple conditional comments.

You set %'s on background-position if I remember, and that is probably causing the 1px shift because browsers have to round up or down depending on the resolution.

Again, nothing you can do about that unless you wnat a CC :).

Since you apply the top part of the flames on a background on “#top” there isn’t much we can do about that, but if you want you could use a conditional comment to increase the left margin on “#main-nav-2” to have it match up with the flames.

Thanks a lot man, between this and the nav help I’m gonna be able to get back to making the drop down and can get back to the backend coding again. Thanks again!

You’re welcome :slight_smile: