I was wondering how to resize the side bar

I was wondering how to resize the width of the side bar in ZeeStyle so that the LHS main article blog is larger and the RHS bar is proportionally smaller.

Website: www.realityeconomics.com.au

Thank you

Your zeestyle style sheet, line 88 says:

#content {

Copy the above code to your custom stylesheet and change the width value to suit:

line 1

#sidebar {
    margin-left: [color=red]620px;  /* try 640px */;[/color]
    overflow: hidden;
    width: [color=red]320px;  /* try 300px */;[/color]

new addition

#content {
    width:[color=red]615px;  /* try 635px */;[/color]

Those suggestions are all 20px. Adjust until happy. :slight_smile:

Thank you. Your suggestions and me learning script has really assisted with a functional website. Its not that much different to VBA in excel.
I have two last questions: my sidebar is fine but it does not go all the way down because of an error. I am not sure how to rectify the error. It can be seen at realityeconomics.com.au just below the last widget on the side bar. Perhaps this is also messing with the bottom bar in terms of all the white that appears around the login area widgets.
Finally, if I want to learn more about scripting webpages in CSS do you recommend any?
Thanks RE

There is a bit of stray code in the HTML. It probably should be deleted.

<div id="sidebar">
h2 { font-size: 1.5em; background-color: #ccc; margin: 20px; padding: 40px;    /* STRAY LINE */
<div class="clear"></div>

I’m not sure what you see as a problem with the height of the right column. It continues to extend for me as I add content.

Likewise, the bottom row of login boxes. The boxes are floated to the left and have a fixed width of 231px each. The fixed width of the page is around 950px; therefore, there is white space to their right.

style.css?ver=3.7.1 (line 925)

.bottombar_item {
    float: left;
    margin-left: 5px;
    width: 231px;

It seems to be behaving as designed; but if that’s not what you want, please explain what you would like to see and we’ll help you achieve it.

Thanks. Last part is fine.
With the code on the webpage sidebar, how do I get that off. I do not have any code currently in CSS for h2. Do I have to go to the editor?

The stray code is located on line 326 of the HTML file. The code snippit is from an HTML file, not a CSS file.

I use a plain text editor for coding and a browser for testing. I do not know anything about your tools; so how you work with HTML or CSS files is beyond me. :slight_smile: I would think that you have to use an editor of some kind.