I need strategy to make sales

i need a strategy to use to start bringing 1000 of buyers to my blog and shop in face book.

Welcome to the forums, @emmaforlife2004.

You haven’t given much information here. What niche is your blog/shop in? Who is your target audience? (Age group. gender, geographical location, etc.) What strategies have you tried already, and how successful - or otherwise - were they?


To start bringing 1000 of buyers to your blog you need to make your blog more attractive like wise kindly follow the below step and you can make something unique:

  1. Catchy Title
  2. unique Startup
  3. Blowing Introduction about your topic
  4. Fact or Results about your topic
  5. Keep adding question in your blogs
  6. conclusion

and most important never forget to add new innovative Pictures related to your blog, if you will write blog following this simple steps definitely you will gets millions of visitor your blog

Best of luck!