I need help to desig a page for the stock order

@ronpat can i delete after showing you that format here what ple sir help me

Try this:


You will have to figure out how to create an account. I don’t remember the exact steps.

Yes, a post can be changed within a limited amount of time, but if privacy is an important concern, it would be better to use DropBox.

Wow! There sure is a lot to that form. My first reaction is OMG where to start!

The bottom two sections look they could be made somewhat responsive, but the first, I’m not so sure.

I’m guessing you’ve decided on using table structure for the layout?

Three posts have been deleted and I did not see the form. That was too quick.

From @Mittineague’s reaction, I would guess that it is a complicated form.

Would you know what to do with it after is was coded? How to implement it? Or is this just an employment test?

@Mittineague Can you help me sir how to build that one

@ronpat ple help me sir how to do that one

@ronpat actually this thr requirement in there project so they need to done by any one ple help me sir

@cmk_6: you seem to be a little confused about how forums work.

You post a question, and anybody with the relevant knowledge can reply to try to help you find a solution. That means that the information needs to remain available, both for those who are trying to help, and anybody else following the topic to learn from it.

If the image you posted contains company details, I suggest you repost it with the sensitive information obscured. Likewise, you can post the code you have so far, using different, placeholder, text for the fields to avoid posting anything confidential.

If you are not able to do this, then I suggest a public forum is not the right place to be seeking help.


I recommend you start with something a lot simpler than the one you posted an image of. Perhaps start with a small section of the larger form.

It might be good to do a review.


hello ple any body help how to do that one
i am not getting any idea in that

There is some more information on creating html forms here.


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