I need help about adsense?

I am anew blogger. I have started blogging with blogspot.com. Just now my google pr is just 1. Yet I am a new blogger, I want to know how can I earn with the site right now? Google adsense? But google not approve my site yet. If you give me some another ides, that would be very helpful for me? Please describe. I am waiting for your answer…

Its too early for you to be thinking about makin money from blogging.

You may have to put in some quality time and write more content for you web site before Google will approve you. The great thing about getting aproved for one site; however, is that you can use that account for any other web sites you start so you don’t’ have to keep applying for an adsense account. For a blog, I would say adsense is probably your best bet, but as (logic) said it is pretty early to worry about adsense. You may make a buck or two here and there but you need to generate traffic and gain some customers first. Once you get that then you can look at adsense and some other programs to make you some money.

First of all, blogs take a ton of work! As stated above, before you even start to think about making money from your blog, you should be thinking about how to gain a respect from the community in your niche. And the way to do that is to write high quality content [if it’s good people will find you].

When you have a modest following, then you can start to think of ways of making money (ad-sense or whatever).

What do you mean by Google has not approved your website?
If your website is indexed, you can apply for AdSense account. Google is very strict about its AdSense guidelines. Make sure you are publishing quality content to get fast approval.

try to solve the problem that why adsense didn’t approved you and try again. if that didn’t worked then try to increase your visitors perday then you find some advertisers to advertise to your weblog you can then use to earn money.

Hi Anaxa,
Congratulations on the new blog!

It takes time to really start making money off a new site or blog. Adsense, as well as other networks, have a process of confirming new publishers before they start working with them.

If you want to speed things up: contact more networks and offer to sale your traffic and start working together. We are positive that will help you get ads up soon.

Good luck!

According to me Google are define some parameters for Google AdSense. When you submit your site in to Google AdSense, means google will review your site and after that they will check how many traffic your site have and how many visitor are visit your site.