I have an idea for a company

What you seem to be suggesting is simply putting together a three-developer WordPress theme building shop, which isn’t a particularly innovative (or crazy) idea. There are tons, and tons, of theme development shops out there.

Not saying it’s a bad idea, but it’s not particularly unique. [quote=“eli.sultanov, post:1, topic:214789”]
for security reasons I also have an idea. One person runs the hosting and doesn’t give out the info. Second person runs PayPal and doesn’t give the other people the info. The third person runs the market ( uploads the themes to market) and like previously doesn’t tell the info.
This sounds like a recipe for disaster. What you should do, instead, is either form a company with these people, and sign legal agreements, or simply make the project yours, and hire the others - pay them a fee, or a commission % of sales, or royalties on sales… whatever you prefer, but don’t do something like this, where members end up holding parts of the business hostage from each other.