Hi, I hope i can explain this well…we get domain name in “go daddy” ,but we didn’t host our web apps in go daddy instead we hosted in GCE (GOOGLE COMPUTING ENGINE) and we put there our web applications that we developed. since GCE is using static i.p address. I created subdomain in go daddy in Manage DNS.
I select the dropdown “A”, HOST = “mysubdomain”,POINTS TO =“static i.p here” , TTL = 1HOUR,
also in forwarding section. I click the add button and I input the subdomain name “mysubdomain” ,forward type = permanent(301),settings = FORWARD ONLY. after that I waited few minuets to resolve the settings…At first I checked the url http://mysubdomain.MAINDOMAIN.com , it works fine after few hours maybe 3 hours or 5 hours, when I check http://mysubdomain.MAINDOMAIN.com it will redirect to my static i.p address the i.p address is shown not the subdomain… I don’t know why is this happened.
sometime subdomain is shown and sometimes subdomain is shown. one more thing when I access it to mobile the ugly i.p address is shown always not the subdomain. is this because I forwarded to i.p address ?
server in GCE ubuntu, and I am using nginx.
Thank you in advance.