I am rendering 1000 + views a day still my alexa at 2M and still it decreasing please help

my site renders 1000+ views per day and has 2 lakh + total views…still alexa rank 2M…
it was looking like sorrow od depression for me…any help …
im blogging since may…
once i used alexa tool and estimated site metrics at 96% of my pages left…and now deleted that code and tool
any help?!
thaks for advance!

Yes…ignore it. If you’ve got decent interaction with your customers and/or are making decent sales, keep doing what you’ve been doing.

Alexa rankings are basically meaningless (IMHO)

  • They are a rolling three month number, so the number changes VERY slowly

  • It’s a VERY small subset of users (ones that have one of the browser extensions installed) and don’t show every person visiting your site.

There is no “get rich quick” schemes anymore - all organic growth takes time.


Don’t get obsessed with Alexa numbers, they only account for a small proportion of all web sites. Like DM says concentrate on keeping your current visitors happy.

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