HTML5 form using PHP, email not sending again

Hi All,

I have not made any changes to my Xampp server, mail server, HTML form or my send.php and all of a sudden it is not working anymore. I’m using PHPMailer and it worked a week ago but now all that happens is the PHP code prints out (no error message). Anyone have any thoughts as to why this would happen all of the sudden?

My call for the form in HTML code is

<form method=“POST” action=“send.php”>

with the following for my submit button

<input name=“submit1” class=“button” value=“Submit Form” type=“submit”>

Thanks in Advance


$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->IsSMTP();  // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->Host     = "ip address"; // SMTP server

//Sanitize incoming data and store in variable

$stockNumber =  trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['stockNumber'])));
$serialNumber =  trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['serialNumber'])));
$description =  trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['description'])));
$requestedBy = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['requestedBy'])));
$requestedDate =  trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['requestedDate'])));
$customerInfo =  trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['customerInfo'])));
$R_branch = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['R_branch'])));
$S_branch = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars ($_POST['S_branch'])));

$R_branch = ucfirst(substr($R_branch, 2));  // removes the R_ and capitalizes first letter of branch in final output to email
$S_branch = ucfirst(substr($S_branch, 2));  // removes the S_ and capitalizes first letter of branch in final output to email

// Array for the R_emails option from form
$R_emails = array(
    'R_boston' => '',
    'R_buffalo' => '',
    'R_cinncinatti' => '',
    'R_columbia' => '',
    'R_dallas' => '',
    'R_fairfax' => '',
    'R_kansas' => '',
    'R_la' => '',
    'R_orlando' => '',
    'R_raleigh' => '',
    'R_toledo' => '',
    'R_topeka' => '',

// get receiving email and turn in the the R_email variable
$R_email = $R_email[ $_POST['R_branch'] ];

// Array for the S_emails option from form
$S_emails = array(
    'S_boston' => '',
    'S_buffalo' => '',
    'S_cinncinatti' => '',
    'S_columbia' => '',
    'S_dallas' => '',
    'S_fairfax' => '',
    'S_kansas' => '',
    'S_la' => '',
    'S_orlando' => '',
    'S_raleigh' => '',
    'S_toledo' => '',
    'S_topeka' => '',

// get receiving email and turn in the the S_email variable
$S_email = $S_email[ $_POST['S_branch'] ];

//Prepare information from form to be sent
$body = 'Stock Number: ' .$stockNumber . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Serial Number: ' .$serialNumber . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Description: ' .$description . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Requested By: ' .$requestedBy . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Requested Date: ' .$requestedDate . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Customer Info: ' .$customerInfo . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Requesting Branch: ' .$R_branch . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Shipping Branch: ' .$S_branch . PHP_EOL;

// Form data was successful so we will now send admin email and return message to the user
$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->Host     = "ip address";

$mail->From     = "";
$mail->FromName = "Excited";
$mail->AddAddress($R_email, 'R_branch');
$mail->AddAddress($S_email, 'S_branch');

$mail->Subject  = "Order Request Form";
$mail->Body     = $body;
$mail->WordWrap = 50;

if(!$mail->Send()) {
  echo 'Message was not sent.';
  echo 'Mailer error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
  echo 'Thank you, your request has been sent!';
