HTML tags in visual part of the WYSIWYG-editor


I am having trouble with the WYSIWYG Editor in ACF Custom Fields. After a migration from one domain account to another (Same Hoster but different domains and differently sized hosting package) the editor only shows the tagged HTML Version within the visual editor tab on the migration target site.

On the migration source site everything works fine with all plugins activated. I tested to deactivate all plugins on the migration target site and I managed to get the custom WYSIWYG-Editor fields working propperly (Showing formated text without tags) again. But as I tried to figure which plugin is colliding with the ACF fields, I discovered that it is not one single plugin, but it is rather the amount of plugins activated. So I tried different combinations of plugins. It showed that there was no plugin which generally triggered the error. With only ACF and another plugin activated all plugins work fine with ACF. But as soon as a curtain amount of plugins is activated, the editor switches to the falty display. And it is also not the simple number of plugins, as sometimes I have 4 activated and then the editor switch happens and sometimes I have more activated before the switch happens. So in my eyes it looked like some kind of buffer or memory limits are triggered and that´s why it switches to HTML. But that´s just a wild guess.

I checked the Serversettings of both servers:

Target Site Source Site

5000 5000
1000 1000
640M 640M
1000 1000
256M 256M
512M 512M

And they are obviously the same.

Besides these check ups I did also do checks like: tested all available migration tools, did all sorts of typical migration trouble shootings and searched for “HTML tags in visual editor and fixes”. None of them helped. So now I am stuck here.

Any ideas how to fix this?


So I finaly found the solution on this:

The white typo error was because of a script I placed in the header of the page. I had to take it out reload and put it back in. Then it worked.

The other issues with the HTML Tags in the visual editor and the missing TinyMCE Buttons and the ignored Style settings of the ACF fieldgroup could all be fixed by simply duplicating the faulty page on the migration target site and deleting the original.


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