Do you WANT to “hijack” all URIs to the web_docs/users/user.php script
hijack all URIs that do not exist as files on the server.
dreaded EVERYTHING atom, the (.*), does!
are you suggesting me to replace it with ([a-zA-Z_]+)?
but i need it to support everything, including the amazing gibberish symbols,
basically want it to include “a-zA-Z0-9_ -.” maybe even more symbols, including the ones that get url encoded…
and how would “a-zA-Z0-9_ -.” look in the mod_rewrite?
like this ([0-9a-zA-Z_\ -\.]+)?
everything gets redirected to the user.php file, even the root index.php
That’s EXACTLY what you told it to do!
but i specifically said, no existing files! (in the rewrite condition)
Disable search?
this sounds stupid of me, but i have no idea on how to disable search in apache?
or do you mean some other search?
edit: problem seems to be fixed.
There are times when it IS appropriate to use (.*)
is it remotely appropriate in my case?
but most people who use (.*) don’t even bother to prevent loops
making a website is easy people say, making a good website is hard i say.
there are thousands of small details that need to be looked at i tell my friends and family, and they reply, like what? i am usually left speechless after that, how am i going to explain that websites have htaccess, mod_rewrite, php, http requests, and so on…
“if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
i’m not fixing, i’m optimizing
maybe i do take this all to seriously, need to learn to relax.
Is that a good thing?
he is a highly successful rich man, what do you think?
Yes, your comments about others leaving comments are good - but my tutorial is really a compilation of Q&A from my first year as a Mentor and not intended to start arguments, flame wars, answer questions (outside SitePoint), etc.
hahah, i was expecting that.
I have an innate tendency to tell how the watch is built rather than what time it is!
simply lol
Try the {REQUEST_FILENAME} - and please report back whether that resolves this weird problem!
hahah, that did fix the problem!!!
it seems that when you use REQUEST_URI it doesn’t index the files in the directories, and when you use REQUEST_FILENAME, the server does.
i knew that .htaccess was powerful, but it just keeps amazing me.
now i’m in a weird position,
should i keep the
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !(\\/|\\.html|\\.htm|\\.php|\\.css|\\.js|\\.jpg|\\.jpeg|\\.png|\\.gif|\\.flv|\\.swf)$
because everything SEEMS to work fine without it.
i hate listing thins, as when i suddenly decide to use a new format i don’t want to have to remember that i have to edit .htaccess to allow that.
hahahah, i’m still so happy that it works!!