How to validate form using responses from several ajax calls

I am trying to validate a html form using jquery,ajax and php. I’ve written this function in jquery that checks for the availability of a username using ajax post request.However, the problem is that it is always returning a false.I’ve figured out the problem that the ajax is asyncronus… How to correct it. Please help.

 function isvalid_username()
 var username=$('#username').val();
  var option=false;
    if(username == "")
        $('#username_feedback').addClass('error').html("Please choose a username!!");
    else if(username.length < 4)
        $('#username_feedback').addClass('error').html("Your username must be atleast 4 characters.");
        $.post('php/check_username_avail.php',{ username : username },function(data){

            if(data == "false")

                $('#username_feedback').addClass('error').html("Sorry! That username is already taken. Try a different one.");
                option= false;
            else if(data == "true")
                alert('Now it should return true');
            alert("An error occurred. Unable to validate username");
    return option;

I’ve read other posts. But I still don’t find a way to validate the form. I want to use this submit handler function with my code:

      if(isvalid_first_name() && isvalid_username() && isvalid_email() && isvalid_password())
          alert('Submitting the form');
          $('#submit_feedback').html("Please correct the above problems first");

If it can’t be done this way, then what other technique should I use to validate the form on clientside?

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