How to use schema markup

How to use schema markup in html web page.

Welcome to the forums, @rahulawasti011.

There are detailed instructions at

Was there something you have a particular problem with?

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Hello dear i have launched new website, I want to add schema but i couldn’t understand which schema is beneficial for me.

Why do you want to add schema to your site? How do you think it will help? What do you want to achieve with it?

Only you can answer these questions. Once you have a clearer picture of what you’re trying to achieve, you should find it easier to decide what is relevant for you.

Hopefully you are tracking your site using both Google and Bing Webmaster Tools. If you are using the former tool then open the Search Console and select Search Appearance->Sructured Data. Google has details on how to incorporate Structured Data into web pages.

One benefit of using Google Structured Data is that your specified image is shown in Google Searches. Also if your web-page is AmpProject Valid a lightning flash is shown in the Google Search indicating that the web-page is also optimised to be Google Mobile Friendly.

Setup is quite involved but fortunately Google has helpful hints on any errors or warnings.

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