How to structure Member Profile?

I am confused about how to structure my files and URLs pertaining to my new Member Profile.

Up until now, I just had a “profile.php” page that only a logged in Member could see for him/herself.

But now I am complicating things in two ways…

1.) I am adding 3 sub-Tabs to the Profile page: “About Me”, “My Friends”, and “My Thoughts” I still want to have just one page/file, but am trying to figure out how I dynamically change the content on the Tabs within my Profile page?!

2.) I want logged in Members to be able to click on other Members’ Pictures and be taken to that Member’s Profile (but of course in a read-only fashion).

I feel weak working with these kinds of dynamic things n the web… :-/

My best guess is to mimic what I did for my database-driven Articles…

I created an “articles” directory and placed an “index.php” inside it and told Apache to make that the default file.

Then for each Article, I converted a “pretty URL” like…


…into an “Ugly URL” - using a Mod-Rewrite - like this…


I am wondering if I could create a “profile” directory and create an “index.php” file that serves as my base Profile page. And then if a User clicked on the “My Thoughts” tab it would have a hyperlink link behind it like this…


…and display the same Profile page but change things to also show the “My Thoughts” tab and related content?!

How would you approach this?
