How to send email with attachment using Mailer

// $email  are the data that is being
$sch_email = $_REQUEST['sch_email'];
$sch_tel = $_REQUEST['sch_tel'] ; 
$sch_address = $_REQUEST['sch_address'] ;
$sch_fax = $_REQUEST['sch_fax'] ;
$sch_panel = $_REQUEST['sch_panel'] ;
$panel_tel = $_REQUEST['panel_tel'] ;
$sch_email_incharge= $_REQUEST['sch_email_incharge'] ;
$sch_incharge= $_REQUEST['sch_incharge'] ;
$sch_incharge_tel= $_REQUEST['sch_incharge_tel'] ;	
$sch_tea_email= $_REQUEST['sch_tea_email'] ;
$std_name_01= $_REQUEST['std_name_01'] ;
$class_q_01= $_REQUEST['class_q_01'] ;
$std_tel_01= $_REQUEST['std_tel_01'] ;
$std_email_01= $_REQUEST['std_email_01'] ;
$title_01= $_REQUEST['title_01'] ;
$question_01= $_REQUEST['question_01'] ;
$guide_tea_01= $_REQUEST['guide_tea_01'] ;
$std_name_02= $_REQUEST['std_name_02'] ;
$class_q_02= $_REQUEST['class_q_02'] ;
$std_tel_02= $_REQUEST['std_tel_02'] ;
$std_email_02= $_REQUEST['std_email_02'] ;
$title_02= $_REQUEST['title_02'] ;
$question_02= $_REQUEST['question_02'] ;
$guide_tea_02= $_REQUEST['guide_tea_02'] ;
$std_name_03= $_REQUEST['std_name_03'] ;
$class_q_03= $_REQUEST['class_q_03'] ;
$std_tel_03= $_REQUEST['std_tel_03'] ;
$std_email_03= $_REQUEST['std_email_03'] ;
$title_03= $_REQUEST['title_03'] ;
$question_03= $_REQUEST['question_03'] ;
$guide_tea_03= $_REQUEST['guide_tea_03'] ;
$std_name_04= $_REQUEST['std_name_04'] ;
$class_q_04= $_REQUEST['class_q_04'] ;
$std_tel_04= $_REQUEST['std_tel_04'] ;
$std_email_04= $_REQUEST['std_email_04'] ;
$title_04= $_REQUEST['title_04'] ;
$question_04= $_REQUEST['question_04'] ;
$guide_tea_04= $_REQUEST['guide_tea_04'] ;
$std_name_05= $_REQUEST['std_name_05'] ;
$class_q_05= $_REQUEST['class_q_05'] ;
$std_tel_05= $_REQUEST['std_tel_05'] ;
$std_email_05= $_REQUEST['std_email_05'] ;
$title_05= $_REQUEST['title_05'] ;
$question_05= $_REQUEST['question_05'] ;
$guide_tea_05= $_REQUEST['guide_tea_05'] ;
$std_name_06= $_REQUEST['std_name_06'] ;
$class_q_06= $_REQUEST['class_q_06'] ;
$std_tel_06= $_REQUEST['std_tel_06'] ;
$std_email_06= $_REQUEST['std_email_06'] ;
$title_06= $_REQUEST['title_06'] ;
$question_06= $_REQUEST['question_06'] ;
$guide_tea_06= $_REQUEST['guide_tea_06'] ;

$button01 =$_REQUEST['button01'];
$jun_class_num =$_REQUEST['jun_class_num'];
$button02 =$_REQUEST['button02'];
$sen_class_num =$_REQUEST['sen_class_num'];

 $content .= "--$mime_boundary--\r\n";

  // ADD FILE 
  if ($_FILES{"attach01"}{"name"} != "")
    $file = $_FILES{"attach01"}{"tmp_name"};
    $file_name = $_FILES{"attach01"}{"name"};
    $content_type = $_FILES{"attach01"}{"txt"};
    $fp = fopen($file, "rb");
    $data = fread($fp, filesize($file));
    $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
    $content .= "Content-Type: $content_type; name=$file_name\r\n"; 
    $content .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file_name\r\n";		
    $content .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n";
    $content .= "$data\r\n";

$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8'; 
$mail->Encoding = "base64"; 
$mail->IsSMTP();              // set mailer to use SMTP
$mail->Host = "";  // specify main and backup server
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;     // turn on SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = "ABC@GMAIL.COM";  // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "XXXX"; // SMTP password
$mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; 
$mail->Port = 587;                                    // TCP port to connect to
$mail->From =   
$mail->FromName = " System"; 
$mail->AddAddress ("$sch_email","School Email");              // name is optional
$mail->AddAddress ("$sch_tea_email","Teacher");  
$mail->AddReplyTo =
$mail->WordWrap = 50;                                 // set word wrap to 50 characters
$mail->IsHTML(true);                                  // set email format to HTML
$mail->Subject = abc;


Actually i created the site for questionnaire event, Using mailer sends the data to default email after finishing the questions. Email is functionally smooth.
But , the email without attachment by user uploading file, Could anyone help me solve , i would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Spend a week to solve this problem that include attachment by user submitting

Message shown “Could not access file: PLEASE CHECK Email.”


First, you are using the wrong brackets with $_FILES, it should be $_FILES[...]

Second, you don’t need to do any of that chunk/split logic, phpMailer handles attachments. See

Understand !

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