How to search inside Google JSON data'


  "formatted_address":"Huelva, España",

How can I search for matches inside Country, administrative_area_level_1, administrative_area_level_2, administrative_area_level_3 and administrative_area_level_4. I mean the portion that is above: formatted_address

I would like to use LIKE

Apache MYSQL

I would like ti use some like this:

json LIKE 'usa,%' OR json LIKE '% usa,%' OR json LIKE '% usa' OR json = 'usa' OR json LIKE '% usa %' OR json LIKE '% usa' OR json LIKE 'usa %'

This seems to be working. Not sure if this is the right approach:

json = '"fl"' OR json LIKE '% fl"' OR json LIKE '% fl %' OR json LIKE '% fl"' OR json LIKE '"fl %'

MySQL 5.7 introduced JSON support with several new functions. If you are using 5.7+ I would recommend looking into those options.

Thanks buddy gonna give it a read.

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