How to remove CSS theme using version?

themes/themeID/style.css?ver=2021-03-18 How to remove such CSS? It is an empty CSS and without active function.

Can you give a bit more detail to the question, and in particular how it’s related to the PHP language?

On the face of it, just edit whatever files point to that CSS, but there must be more to it than that. Arguably, if it’s empty and without function, it’s doing no harm either.

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WP operates as a CMS. It means it copes everything using PHP. When it was started theme development it was used CSS inside a theme which is above link.

When we move further we moved CSS into another area.

But I do not like to break theme installation even CSS is empty and indeed it does not harm front-end but maybe installation will be broken… another issue is a browser request. My solution would be PHP and hide CSS using PHP but theme installation will keep CSS if WP demands.

We have solved and found location as PHP. We removed PHP which creates a CSS link.

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