How to make my worpress blog a Do-Follow blog?

I have a free wordpress blog and I usually get comments but and the relation of my comments is “external-nofollow”…
Is it possible to make my blog a do-follow blog? also keyword luv and comment luv blog?

Thanks for the information but if in this case, spammers might abuse it.

external nofollow works the same as nofollow tag but this tag opens links in a new window instead of the same window. If you want to try just add rel=“external” it will open the link in a new window. it sort of works like target=_blank. Target blank opens all hypertext links in the new window and rel=external nofollow, blocks all link juice and opens the link in a new window.

Do follow won’t get you more readers, it’ll just get you more bots visiting to spam your site for backlinks.

I appreciate your point. but still i am wondering how to do it…let me explore it myself…

one of my friends blog is offering external links…is there a difference between external and no-follow links?

no or no follow still count for Google as backlinks

having DoFollow attribute ON encourage spammers to spam
what will happen your Blog will be announced as dofollow and you may get a huge traffic
but 1 UV is better then 1000 Spammers

I think you shuld use a do-follow system if you you want to have more readers, if you want the people to know that you exist.