How to make automatic update data in database in PHP

i want to make toefl test. i make table score_structure in database. that is contain 4 columns (email, right, false, score). so, if a user has done on previous test and will perform a test , then the user data will be updated according to the user’s email pitch .

I have tried but failed, the data will not update. please help me

this is structure.php

$email = $_SESSION['email'];
              $cek=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT email FROM score_structure WHERE email='$email'"));
              if($cek > 0 ){
                $simpan = "UPDATE score_structure SET right='$right', false='$false', score='$score' WHERE email='$email'";
                }else {
                      echo mysql_error();
                $simpan = "INSERT INTO score_structure VALUES ('$email', '$right', '$false', '$score')";
                }else {
                      echo mysql_error();


Where are the variables $right, $false and $score coming from? If they’re coming from a form posting, they should be in the form of $_POST['right'] and so on. As you are getting the email address from a session variable, are you sure it is getting the correct value - that is, if you echo $email;, does it show the value you expect?

You also have two column names that are MySQL reserved words - right and false - so you’ll need to enclose those in quotes in any query that uses them, or change them to something else.

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