How to make all screen resolutions to work?

I have a website and the entire website douse not load correctly in screen resolution 1152 x 864 or smaller. Everything overlaps eachother whats an easy fix to this issue?


Start reading up on Responsive Web Design. It may take a little time to learn, but it’s definitely the direction to want to go.

Blame all your fixed widths.

You also are using old tags like <center> and <font>. Those are obsolete as well.

Look into responsive design. That’s the only layout method that should be used.

I only took a quick look, but you seem to have a lot of elements with position:absolute. Add that to the above, and I don’t think there is an “easy fix”.

Something to think about while your looking into responsive design is the use of %'s.

Rather than using:

width: 876px;

Use something like:

width: 100%;
max-width: 876px;

This will retain it’s size @ 876px wide but will also shirk to fit the page if it doesn’t fit. This could be applied to your #outer div.

I want the page width to be 876px. Is there a way to make the 876px width slide/work into a horizontal scroll bar because I want to have the horizontal scroll bar working when they try to minimize the page? So the horizontal scroll bar will show instead of moving everything over.


What you want is irrelevant - it is what your visitors want that is important. If your visitor wants 200px width and you don’t give it to them then they will go to someone who does.