How to get backlinks from Youtube

i want to get backlink from fro my websites. Kindly describe step by step guide

Welcome to the forums, @aishapatel353.

Please could you explain why a link from somewhere on YouTube to your site(s) would be appropriate? Would your site somehow add extra value or interest for YouTube visitors?

Creating links intentionally to influence search ranking (which is what this sounds like to me) is a violation of the search engines’ TOS,

If I’ve misunderstood your question, please explain in more detail.

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Reminds me of unrequited love… the only solution is to make yourself more desirable, fruitless in just wanting change without making an effort.

You need to create your channel on youtube. Then go to Settings and fill your website on your profile

The best way to earn backlink from youtube is to link other’s YouTube videos to your blog and let the owner of that YouTube channel know [via email] that you have mentioned their video in one of your articles and then ask them to link back to you as a reward.

secondly, you can create own youtube channel and put the link in the description section.

I think it would help you…


firstly, you can create youtube channel and post videos related to your website and you can request the other youtuber who can popular on youtube. he/she popular your website in our video or description.

Everything that needs to be said has been said an the OP seems MIA.

Thread closed. Thanks everyone for contributing!