How to fix <filter object at 0x00000191088ECEF0> error

How can I fix this error on this code? The error I get is this: <filter object at 0x00000191088ECEF0>
Thanks for your help.

a = [945, 625, 800, 146, 12, 84]
b = [0, 1, 4, 249, 84.3, 87, 98, 128, 872, 973, 674, 1238, 897]
c = [24, 36, 84, 23]

from itertools import product

c1 = lambda x: x not in zip(a, b, c)
c2 = lambda x: {len(str(i)) for i in x}=={1,2,3}
c3 = lambda x: not (all(i % 2 == 0 for i in x) or all(i % 2 != 0 for i in x))
c4 = lambda x: max(x) < 100 * min(x)

r1 = filter(c1,product(a,b,c))

r2 = filter(c2,r1)

r3 = filter(c3,r2)

r4 = filter(c4,r3)

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