How to display images in one straight vertical line using php html?

    $Code39 = array(
' '=>'122111211',
    $bw=2;//bar width
    $height=50*$bw;// px
    $fs=8*$bw;//Font size
    function checksum( $string )
        $checksum = 0;
        $length   = strlen( $string );
        $charset  = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%';
        for( $i=0; $i < $length; ++$i )
            $checksum += strpos( $charset, $string[$i] );
        return substr( $charset, ($checksum % 43), 1 );
    function draw($str,$checksum=false){
        global $unit,$x,$Code39,$height,$bw;
        if ($checksum) {
        $img.= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n";
        $img.= "<svg width='$width$unit' height='$height$unit' version='1.1' xmlns=''>\n";
        foreach($text as $char){
        return $img;
    function drawsymbol($char){
        global $unit,$Code39,$x,$y,$dx,$bw,$fs,$dx,$yt,$bl;
        $img.= '<desc>'.htmlspecialchars($char)."</desc>\n";
        $img.= "<text x='$xt$unit' y='$yt$unit' font-family='Arial' font-size='$fs'>$char</text>\n";
        $val =str_split($Code39[$char]);
        for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){
            if(!($i % 2)){
                $img.= "<rect x='$x$unit' y='$y$unit' width='$w$unit' height='$bl$unit' fill='black' stroke-width='0' />\n";
            $x += $w;
        return $img;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<form method="GET" action="Code39.php">

	while ($count<=20){
    $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] :$mcode ;
    $barcode = draw($code);

    echo "<div style=\"float:left;\">";
    echo $mcode."<br>";
    echo $barcode."<br>";
    echo "</div>";


As you can see, the images is not arranged in organized and tidy form.

Hi @georgelvc94 and welcome to the forum.

I tried running your scrip but got errors mostly because of a missing.$Code39

Can you try these lines at the top of each file.

  declare(strict_types=1); // REMOVE IF NOT PHP7
  ini_set('display_errors',  "1" ); 
  error_reporting(-1); // STRICTER THAN  E_ALL|E_STRICT);

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I only upload half of the code and it is not a complete code. Hmm. so, i will upload the full code, can you please tell me what is the problem that i facing when i echo the images of my barcode and the barcode is not properly arranged. The php file name is Code39.php.

The joys of using GLOBALS :slight_smile:

The draw() function exits with the last incremented $x value and needs resetting.

The $x value would have been better passed as a parameter to draw($str, $checksum=false, $x) and the $x value would not have been incremented the next time draw() was called. .

Try this:

function draw($str, $checksum=false)
  global $unit, $x, $Code39, $height, $bw;
  $OLD_X = $x;

  $str = strtoupper( (string) $str);
  if ($checksum)
    $str = $str .checksum($str);
  $str   = '*' .$str .'*';
  $long  = (strlen($str)+100)*100;
  $width = $bw*$long;
  $text  = str_split($str);
  $img   = '';
    $img  .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n";

  $img  .= '<div style="float:left; padding:1em; background-color:red; text-align:left;">' ."\n\n\t";
  $width = '600';
  // $img  .= "<svg width='$width$unit' height='$height$unit' version='1.1' xmlns='' >"; // \n
  // viewpath='0 0 $width $height'
  $img  .= "<svg width='$width$unit' height='$height$unit' >"; // \n

  foreach($text as $char)
    $img .= drawsymbol($char);
  $img .= '</svg>';
  $img .= "\n\n</div><p><br><br><br></p>\n\n";

   $x = $OLD_X;      
  return $img;

It shows error, "“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$img’ (T_VARIABLE) in C:\xampp\htdocs\barcode39new\code39.php on line 99"”.

Whoops, this editor has an annoying habit of pasting a couple of times instead of just the once. I must read the manual sometime :slight_smile:

Try removing the $OLD_X from the following:

  foreach($text as $char)
    $img .= drawsymbol($char);

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This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much. You have no idea how much your help has meant. You have played such an important part and your help won’t be forgotten. Thank you @John_Betong.
Here is the result:

    $Code39 = array(
' '=>'122111211',
    $bw=2;//bar width
    $height=50*$bw;// px
    $fs=8*$bw;//Font size
    function checksum( $string )
        $checksum = 0;
        $length   = strlen( $string );
        $charset  = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%';
        for( $i=0; $i < $length; ++$i )
            $checksum += strpos( $charset, $string[$i] );
        return substr( $charset, ($checksum % 43), 1 );
    function draw($str, $checksum=false)
  global $unit, $x, $Code39, $height, $bw;
  $OLD_X = $x;

  $str = strtoupper( (string) $str);
  if ($checksum)
    $str = $str .checksum($str);
  $str   = '*' .$str .'*';
  $long  = (strlen($str)+100)*100;
  $width = $bw*$long;
  $text  = str_split($str);
  $img   = '';
    $img  .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n";

  $img  .= '<div style="float:left; padding:1em; background-color:white; text-align:left;">' ."\n\n\t";
  $width = '600';
  // $img  .= "<svg width='$width$unit' height='$height$unit' version='1.1' xmlns='' >"; // \n
  // viewpath='0 0 $width $height'
  $img  .= "<svg width='$width$unit' height='$height$unit' >"; // \n

  foreach($text as $char)
    $img .= drawsymbol($char);
  $img .= '</svg>';
  $img .= "\n\n</div><p><br><br><br></p>\n\n";

   $x = $OLD_X;      
  return $img;
    function drawsymbol($char){
        global $unit,$Code39,$x,$y,$dx,$bw,$fs,$dx,$yt,$bl;
        $img.= '<desc>'.htmlspecialchars($char)."</desc>\n";
        $img.= "<text x='$xt$unit' y='$yt$unit' font-family='Arial' font-size='$fs'>$char</text>\n";
        $val =str_split($Code39[$char]);
        for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){
            if(!($i % 2)){
                $img.= "<rect x='$x$unit' y='$y$unit' width='$w$unit' height='$bl$unit' fill='black' stroke-width='0' />\n";
            $x += $w;
        return $img;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<form method="GET" action="Code39.php">

	while ($count<=20){
    $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] :$mcode ;
    $barcode = draw($code);

    echo "<div style=\"float:left;\">";
    echo $mcode."<br>";
    echo $barcode;
    //echo "</div>";


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