Okay, I’m back! (Sorry I disappeared from this thread for a while…)
Here is my take on things…
Point #1:
Because the purpose of this section of my website is to really elicit people’s deep, inner feelings on things, I expect people to type long responses. And, therefore, there needs to be a way to capture and display Answers in separate paragraphs as I mentioned in Post #7 above.
Point #2:
Last Fall I created a “Small-Business Facts” section on my Home Page. After some debate similar to here, the recommendation was to use Headers and Paragraphs in tandem like this…
<div id="boxFacts">
<h2>Small-Business Facts<br />
<small>Some things to know about Small-Business...</small>
<!-- Fact #1 -->
<h3><span>Fact #01:</span>Small-Businesses represent 99.7% of all employer firms.</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris quam nisi, egestas mattis commodo a, adipiscing eget erat.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce ultrices lacus nec leo mattisvestibulum.
Donec pharetra luctus nisl et sollicitudin. Aliquam
faucibus tellus at orci pretium faucibus. Duis malesuada, enim ac
luctus auctor, metus libero dictum nunc, vitae imperdiet est
massa eget massa.
<!-- Fact #2 -->
<h3><span>Fact #02:</span>Small-Businesses employ half of all private sector employees.</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris quam nisi, egestas mattis commodo a, adipiscing eget erat.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce ultrices lacus nec leo mattis
vestibulum. Donec pharetra luctus nisl et sollicitudin. Aliquam
faucibus tellus at orci pretium faucibus. Duis malesuada, enim ac
luctus auctor, metus libero dictum nunc, vitae imperdiet est
massa eget massa.
In my opinion, that sure looks a lot like my “Questions & Answers”, don’t you think?! 
Point #3:
I don’t do HTML5, so that is off the table.
Point #4:
As far as Ordered vs Unordered… Questions and Answers are stored in my database. They have no intrinsic “order” other than the order that I impose at any given time…
Maybe there is some big headline in the news about the Economy, so I change my site’s focus and deem that “Why are Small-Businesses important to the U.S. Economy?” is a key question that I want people talking about this week.
In that case, QuestionID=3492 just got promoted from QuestionNo=9 to QuestionNo=1 if you follow me?!
How that relates to HTML, I don’t know.
Point #5:
Questions and Answers need to remain tightly-knit.
If someone blabs on-and-on (think Stomme poes after too many lattes…), then my markup needs to make it abundantly clear than the 5 paragraphs the User just typed all pertain to the question, “Why are Small-Businesses the back-bone of America?”
In closing, I think what I am doing for my “Facts” would apply to my “Q&A”, except that I want to be sure multi-paragraphs would still fit into that approach.
What do you think, HTML Gods?! :-/