How to change the color of the menu bar on hover?

This is my site

I am not able to change the text color on hover.

Perhaps, I am not choosing the right id or class.

Please help me ASAP.


In your css you have .nm > li > a setting the text color for the purple navigation bar. Did you try adding a color to .nm > li > a:hover yet?

yes, i did. No luck.

as WebMachine said, you should be able to do it like this :slight_smile:

.nm > li > a:hover{ color: white !important; }

I have done this is custom css, but due to some its not working.

You seem to have set the link color to the same as the background so it becomes invisible?

.nm > li > a:hover {
    color: #e81975 !important;

Change the color if you want to see it.

hi paul. thanks for replying.

the background is white and my color code is somewhat pink. So, I am sorry I dont get why its not appearing.

Are we talking about the same menu?

Everyone else is talking about the pink menu in the middle where the text is disappearing?

Oh no no no. I am talking about the main menu. The one at the very top.

That seems to be working and the text turns pink on hover?

No, thats actually red instead of the pink. I want the pink of the bottom menu bar.

Add this rule and change the color to suit.

#menu-main li a:hover {
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it works great. thanks.

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