How to add or change category icon in Adforest theme?

how to add or change category icon in Adforest theme?
i tried adding icon name foe example .flaticon-animal in the Icon Name field but it doesn’t work
anyone know how to fix this

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To add or change a category icon in the AdForest theme, you’ll need to follow these steps:

1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard, where you have AdForest installed and activated.

2. Go to Categories: Navigate to the “Categories” section under the “Classifieds” menu in the AdForest theme options.

3. Edit or Add Categories: Here, you’ll see a list of your existing categories. To add a new category, simply click the “Add New Category” button. To edit an existing category, click the “Edit” link next to it.

4. Category Icon: In the category editing or creation page, you’ll find an option to set the “Category Icon.” Click on this field to select or change the icon. You can choose from the available icon library or upload a custom icon.

5. Save Changes: After selecting or uploading the desired icon, be sure to save your changes by clicking the “Update” or “Add New Category” button.

6. Check Your Site: Visit your classifieds website to see the changes. The category icons should now be updated or added as per your preferences.

Remember to choose icons that represent your categories effectively and are visually appealing to your website visitors. This will enhance the user experience and make your site more engaging.

Naina Sharma

i tried this this doesn’t work for some reason
i am using sugar candy classified

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