I know the iframe and its functioning. But the problem is that it includes all the site into the frame. You can implement a series of solutions (partial solutions) to display a certain part, but the reality is that all the website is behind the code.
Is there any way to display JUST the element I want. Imagine a slideshow, or a module showing images, etc.
Best regards.
From a page on another domain?
Hi Frank.
Thanks for replying.
No, from a page in the same page.
To provide more details, it is an static page with a CMS inside. I need to display a div from the CMS on the home page, which is static. To be even more specific, a certain module.
Thanks for any help.
I think I’m getting the idea, but just to make sure: you want to include the or a CMS div from a page on one domain in another page on the same domain? If so, I wonder why you don’t just copy the div plus its CSS and probably Javascript, and paste that in the other page?
Doesn’t including a CMS div by through an iframe make matters unnecessarily complicated, in terms of making the CMS functional? What would force you to take the difficult road?
In fact, I don’t see how you could update the contents of a mother page through a CMS div in the child, i.e. ‘iframed’ page? Or would it just be a dummy show case?
Create a template in your CMS that just shows the content you want (no header/footer etc)
Use an iframe in your static page then call the template page from your CMS…
<iframe src="http://www.mysite.com/template"></iframe>
I’d imagine that from the homepage you’d have to implement some server technology (e.g. PHP) to pull just that desired data from the CMS. Likewise, the CMS makes calls to a database to create the content you want to obtain. So if you make similar calls on the “homepage” (assuming you have access to the web server running the CMS/database), you can display that content on the otherwise static homepage. There isn’t any front-end (e.g. HTML, JavaScript) tech that I’m aware of that you could accomplish what you’ve described.
if you were using php you could use the include or require statement.
place some thing like this in the spot where you wish to include the material
include 'nameOfYourPage.php';