How to add 'features' to mediaelement vid player

The player code below works successfully. I’m trying to add some features, as instructed on this page: I added this in the head section without success:

// using jQuery
$('video').mediaelementplayer(features:     {['playpause','progress','current','duration','tracks','volume','fullscreen']},);

My questions are, do you know why I’m not seeing these features in the player? All I see is play pause (in IE10) and fullscreen features (that were already there before I added the script part above), not seeing duration, volume, etc. Also, is there a way to add these features in-line within the video tag? Lastly, is there a way to not have the full screen feature for the player at all?

<video id="vid1" poster="/img/test.jpg" preload="none" width="130" height="120" >
<source type="video/mp4" src="/video/textVid.mp4" />
<object width="130" height="120" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"  data="/mediaelement/flashmediaelement.swf">
<param name="movie" value="/mediaelement/flashmediaelement.swf" />
<param name="flashvars"   value="controls=true&amp;file=http://../video/testVid.mp4&amp;controlbar=over&amp;image  =http://../img/test.jpg&amp;file=http://../video/testVid.mp4" />
<!-- Image as a last resort -->
<img src="/img/test.jpg" width="140" height="120" title="No video playback capabilities"   />

I look forward to any help.

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