How to add an icon image after "Search Words"?

How can I add an icon/image after the words: “Search Words”?

<input id="keyword" name="keyword" value="SEARCH WORDS" style="font-size:17px" onfocus="if (this.value=='SEARCH WORDS') {this.value='';'#ffffff';}" onclick="clickclear(this, 'Enter Words')" onblur="clickrecall(this,'Enter Words')" value="" />

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

You can’t, as an input element doesn’t have any children (be it elements like img or pseudo elements like ::after); it just has a value, which can only be text.

BTW, you don’t have to use JS for that placeholder functionality – you can use the HTML placeholder attribute for this.

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try a span element and absolute position it?

As @m3g4p0p said you don’t have pseudo elements for input type element and if you want the icon/image to be placed right after the text “Search Words” may not be possible.
However if you just want an image why not use it as a background image and position it to right side.


ananda has the right idea. While you can’t accomplish this trick with a pseudo element, you can do so with a combination of padding and background image.

		<style type="text/css" media="screen">
			   padding: .5em; 
			input.test[value="SEARCH WORDS"]{
				background: url( no-repeat 8px center;
		<input class="test" value="NOT SEARCH WORDS">
		<input class="test" value="SEARCH WORDS">

hope that helps

You can use a pseudo element on the <button> element. Going that route you can use the Magnifying Glass character for your pseudo content value.

As previously mentioned though, you will get best results with a background image.

Rough example with pseudo element –

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Search Field Icon</title>


#site-search {
    border:1px solid;
input, button {
button {
    border-radius:0 4px 4px 0;
button:before {
    font: 1.1em/0 monospace;


<form action="#" id="site-search" role="search">
    <input type="text" name="keyword" placeholder="Search KeyWord">
    <button type="submit"></button>


Good idea indeed @ananda ! Thinking about it, you could even apply the background to the ::placeholder pseudo element (being the exception I forgot), so that it disappears when you type something into the input. Like

.keyword::-ms-input-placeholder {
   background: url('icon.png') no-repeat right center;
<input class="keyword" placeholder="Search words"/>

Although some browsers (IE) have implemented this as a pseudo class, where it probably won’t work. As an alternative, you might use the :placeholder-shown pseudo class to show/hide the background image, like

.keyword:placeholder-shown {
  background: url('icon.png') no-repeat right center;

But again, browser support varies (IE). Maybe with a combination of both you’re on the safe side though.


Wow @m3g4p0p ! I Didn’t know about this ::placeholder pseudo element, will try this myself and once I understand this will post an article on this in my blog so other can get help.

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