HOW TO? 3 Column with Stretchy Center, static outsides


I’m taking an already made design that was stuck at 100px and re-working it to 100%.

In the 3 column layout, I need the outsides to stay at their fixed width but the center should stretch with the browser.

The structure is very simple to see via firebug. But if i try it my way, the column on the right flows under the center… so I’m missing something. Any ideas? :headbang:

i dont understand why they originally had the left and center column inside of it’s own div tag.

really? Nothing?


Sorry I missed your post but you posted in the middle of the night for me:)

I see you have another post on a similar issue so I assume this one doesn’t need answering now?

i dont understand why they originally had the left and center column inside of it’s own div tag.

I haven’t looked at the code but usually that’s a technique you can use when you want the centre column to be first in the html source.

well I got a 3 column layout working, but I would love it someone looked the code over for me to be sure I’m not asking for trouble
