How this make?


How to code this thing?

Welcome to the Sitepoint forums @Falit. I’ve de-listed this topic for the time being, as it’s not entirely clear what you are referring to. Can you clarify whether you are asking about the whole Amazon site, or just a specific part of it?

Images 1, 2, 3


I want to make some things like this

First photo should be “1”,
every 3 second will show next image,
next, preview buttons for show next/preview image,
and cooldown auto show next image function 5 second,
text for which image step now like 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.

and i just can do like this code…:neutral_face:


<script type="text/javascript">
    var image1 = new Image()
    image1.src = "img/p1.jpg"
    var image2 = new Image()
    image2.src = "img/p2.jpg"
    var image3 = new Image()
    image3.src = "img/p3.jpg"

<a onclick="preview()">&#10094;</a> <br>
<a onclick="next()">&#10095;</a> <br>
<p id="stepshow">?</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var step = 1
    function wtsnews() { = eval("image" + step + ".src")
        if (step < 3)
            step = 1
        setTimeout("wtsnews()", 3000)

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