How should I sort my articles?

For my website, it’s mainly HTML/CSS/Design related articles. I’ve seen some websites that sort by article tags, article categories, and month in which the articles were created. I believe that none of these options fit me very well.

  • Article tags - many of mine repeat (e.g. HTML,CSS etc).
  • Article categories - same thing.
  • Month released - I sometimes only do 2
    articles a month (sometimes 4) but either way, seems like too little
    content for this.

Is there any other way to sort my articles? I can’t think of anything so I’m turning to you guys!

I think there’s bound to be a lot of overlap no matter what you decide, but maybe the Codex theme tag filter can provide some food for thought?

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Interesting…I’ve never seen that before.

I could certainly see this working for me.

Ideally though if you go to my website…

The right sidebar…where it has the 10 more recent articles. I was going to allow a quick sort there (e.g. sites have <select> for monthly archives etc.) INSTEAD of my 10 articles. I’m not a fan of the 10 articles being there.

Can you think of any way to slim this down?

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